The Inclusion Mentorship Program for Increasing Access in Childcare Team 

“Inclusion in Early Childhood is not making the child change,
but adapting teacher and program practices
to support the needs of each child.”

IMPACT's Mission - Inclusive Early Learning for All

Northwest Center Kids IMPACT is a non-profit based in Seattle, Washington that provides professional development and consultation on inclusive practices supporting children with challenging behaviors and disabilities.

IMPACT’s mission is to make inclusive early learning online training accessible to everyone. We believe with training and support, you will have the confidence and skills to support the increasingly diverse needs of children in your care.

IMPACT works directly with you and your school to make this dream a reality, both remotely and on-site (in select geographic regions).
Inclusive early learning environments allow children to reach their highest potential.

Target Audience

We support:
  • Early learning educators 
  • Preschool teachers
  • Childcare Providers
  • Head Start and Early Head Start programs
  • Early learning coaches 

Other professionals working with children aged birth to ten may also benefit from our services. These include:
  • Pre-K – 3rd grade educators and after-school programs
  • Early intervention providers
  • Statewide QRIS agencies
  • Home visitors
  • Families

How Northwest Center IMPACT Supports Children with Disabilities and Challenging Behaviors

Write your awesome label here.

Principles that Guide IMPACT's Courses and Consultation for Early Childhood Professionals

An inclusive classroom provides opportunities and life experiences for young children to reach their highest potential while developing positive attitudes toward all people.
We maximize positive outcomes in child development through quality inclusive practices and working directly with the early childhood professionals who care for them.
With the proper inclusive early learning training, practice, and support, all early learning education professionals can implement strategies to successfully include students with disabilities and challenging behaviors in the classroom.
Preventing expulsion in early childhood is a priority. Children with disabilities and challenging behaviors are expelled from early learning programs at a much higher rate than their typically developing peers. We provide holistic services and quality inclusive practices to decrease providers' stress and increase your capacity and confidence in working with all children.
Northwest Center has been in a leader in the inclusive early learning community for over 57 years. IMPACT was created on this foundation and out of a community-expressed need for more high quality inclusive childcare. We strive to empower all providers served to feel confident in their skills to  offer inclusive environments. 
Consultations and professional development trainings are grounded in evidence and best practices in the fields of early childhood education, child development, infant and early childhood mental health, behavioral health, attachment theory, trauma-informed practices, and early childhood therapeutic services. We stay updated on current research and knowledge to make sure our clients get the most up to date information available. 

Our Multidisciplinary Team

IMPACT is a multidisciplinary team of professionals that includes early childhood educators and administrators, special educators, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and mental health specialists. We use our diverse perspectives to collaboratively create well-rounded and research-based professional development courses and consultations. Our vast experience in early learning, childcare, mental health, early intervention, and academia position us uniquely to create high-quality coursework to meet your needs. 
Inclusive early learning environments help children reach their full potential and develop a positive view of everyone.

Northwest Center History

Northwest Center is a non-profit organization based in Seattle, Washington.
The agency was founded by parents who wouldn’t rest until children with disabilities across the U.S. gained access to public education. IMPACT builds on that legacy of inclusion, drawing on more than 57 years of experience in inclusive early learning and our comprehensive Birth-to-Three Early Intervention program. 


Northwest Center Early Learning Founded

Northwest Center was founded by parents who refused to institutionalize their children with developmental disabilities or accept the prevailing notion that their children couldn't be taught. Banding together to form Northwest Center, they hired their own teachers to develop educational programs targeted to children with developmental disabilities.


House Bill 90 - Education for All

Our founders authored and passed the first civil rights legislation in the United States that opened the doors of Washington State schools to children with disabilities. House Bill 90 “Education for All” was signed into law in 1971 and served as the model for future federal legislation.


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 was signed, which we know today as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  


Part C: Early Supports for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT)

Northwest Center began delivering early supports (formally early intervention) services.


IMPACT Imagined

Due to high waitlists in our Early Learning programs, along with a lack of training and consultation services in the field, NWC dreamed of creating a team that would empower early childhood inclusion educators in our community to offer inclusive classrooms and environments. Instead of building another school that could serve 60 children, through consultation and training IMPACT could reach exponentially more children and change the entire landscape of inclusive early childhood education.


IMPACT Launched

IMPACT launched professional development and consultation services to licensed and part-day childcare providers in King County, Washington to support children with special healthcare needs under the Best Starts for Kids Levy. Between 2018 and 2022, IMPACT reached 50,000 children!


IMPACT Expansion

IMPACT expands early learning professional development through in-person or online childcare courses, live training, and consultation services to support the broader early learning and education community (ages birth to ten) nationwide with the inclusion of children with disabilities and challenging behaviors.
IMPACT™ content is developed by a multidisciplinary team and makes every effort to ensure that information provided reflect evidence-based, early childhood best practices. Providers should always follow local jurisdictions and other governing bodies rules and regulations when implementing any strategy or suggestion. Any actions, or lack of actions, are not the responsibility or liability of Northwest Center Kids – IMPACT™.

All content, including the presentation thereof on this web site, is the property of Northwest Center IMPACT™, and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of copyrighted material without the prior written permission from Northwest Center.