2023: IMPACT’s Year of Growth

It's been a busy year for the IMPACT team and we're excited to share our year-end data outcomes. This year we had some huge growth, switching our services to nationwide! We launched our online school and made on-demand inclusive early learning training accessible to educators when they need it. 

We’re excited to be continuing this work this year and beyond to empower early childhood professionals with knowledge and strategies to meet the unique needs of children with challenging behavior and disabilities. We look forward to continuing to work with you to decrease expulsion and increase access to high quality inclusive early learning for all children!

Although IMPACT has been providing training and consultation services since 2018 in Washington State, this last year marked our official launch nationwide. We are thrilled to have learners enrolled in our online school from 27 states (and 5 countries!) and look forward to having an even broader reach this year. 

In addition to delivering live trainings through our online school and professional development days for early learning programs, IMPACT was also honored to be invited to present at multiple state and national conferences in 2023. IMPACT team members presented at:
  • The International Inclusion Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • The Child Care Aware of America Symposium
  • The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Professional Learning Institute
  • The Washington Association for the Education of Young Children (WAEYC) annual conference
  • Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Conference, the Center of Excellence at Georgetown University
  • Infant and Early Childhood Conference (IECC)

IMPACT trained a total of 1,433 providers last year, reaching an estimated 11,500 children. These providers include early childhood educators, early intervention therapists, home visitors, elementary educators, early childhood coaches, parents, and more. We’re thrilled to have received an overall 99% satisfaction rating for all our online on-demand courses and live trainings and look forward to continuing to meet the training needs of the community.

We are excited to share with you all that IMPACT accomplished in 2023. And because we couldn’t have done any of this without your collaboration, we want to also say thank you to all of you who participated in IMPACT trainings, courses, or consultation services over the last year. Together, we are thrilled to be making progress toward our mission of all children having access to high-quality inclusive early learning!

If you'd like to view more of IMPACT's outcomes, please click here to view our infographic. 


IMPACT™ content is developed by a multidisciplinary team and makes every effort to ensure that information provided reflect evidence-based, early childhood best practices. Providers should always follow local jurisdictions and other governing bodies rules and regulations when implementing any strategy or suggestion. Any actions, or lack of actions, are not the responsibility or liability of Northwest Center Kids – IMPACT™.

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