Early Learning & Childcare
Consultation Services
Consultation Services
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Online Coaching for Inclusive Early Learning When You Need It Most
A personalized consultation can make the difference when you need support for an individual child’s needs relating to a disability, medical issue, or behavioral challenge, or for strategies on creating inclusive and effective classroom spaces for all students. Contact IMPACT for quality virtual consultation services provided to early learning and childcare programs nationwide, with a focus on Washington state, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.
New Service
Now Offering Recorded Classroom Observations as an included service option in our online consultation!
Consultation Services Offered for Early Education & Childcare Professionals
Here are some of the
most popular topics IMPACT consults on:
In addition to live virtual observations, you have the option of utilizing recorded classroom observations. Consultation practice and methods used (e.g. reflective practice, suggested strategies) will be the same when live observations or recorded observations. Please speak to your Inclusion Specialist to determine which would be best for you.
Benefits of Recorded Observations vs. Live On-Site Observations:
Consultation services are held virtually and are provided by a team of Inclusion Specialists. IMPACT has a multidisciplinary team to ensure all your needs are met to offer high-quality inclusive classrooms to support children with disabilities and challenging behaviors.
Testimonials from Educators Who Participated in Online Consultation
Here’s what one early learning teacher had to say about IMPACT consultants:
"My favorite part of IMPACT services is being able to have someone to trust and someone who understands the behaviors in my class, and that I am doing my best to help the students."
A childcare director who received IMPACT services said:
"IMPACT is able to break down ideas into easy to learn skills and knowledge for general ed teachers to use in their classrooms.”
We’re excited to share with you some of the changes our partner programs have reported:
Ninety percent of directors surveyed are more likely to enroll a child with disabilities as a result of receiving IMPACT services.
Ninety-three percent of directors surveyed are more likely to keep a child with challenging behaviors enrolled as a result of receiving IMPACT services.
Ready to talk to our experts?
Pricing for Virtual Consultations
Intro / Single - 1 Consultation
Are you ready to give us a try and find out how consultations can support your work? Do you have a specific question or topic you'd like to discuss?
One-time consultation
Program or Classroom Support
Support implementing course content
Top-Rated - 3 Consultations
Achieve more with multiple consultations to work toward specific goals and see results!
Great value at $90 per consult
Grow and learn with your IMPACT consultant
Program, Classroom, or Child Support
Best Value - 12 Consultations
Are you interested in making long term change and investing in your inclusion journey? Purchase once and have consultations all year long!
Best value at $80 per consult
Use once per month or when you need them most
Program, Classroom, or Child Support