Are you ready to feel confident supporting kids with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Teachers need strategies for kids who have a high energy level, struggle to pay attention, and who know the rules but can’t seem to follow them. This course will help you understand the inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity that’s behind these behaviors and give you practical strategies and effective solutions, so these kids thrive in your classroom.
Toddler - 3rd grade
In this course, you’ll learn:
How kids with ADHD process information differently
Ways to transform struggles into strengths
How to give directions so kids will actually listen
Why fidgeting is a solution rather than a problem
Which fidgets and active seating options are best
And how to tap into the power of play to build self-regulation skills
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ADHD: Strategies for Increasing Attention & Reducing Hyperactivity
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